The BlueOcean© Group
What I like about the GoWorld Corporation is the fact that it is a Blue Ocean company. As opposed to a Red Ocean model which makes competition and the aquisition of profit it's highest priority... a Blue Ocean buisness is mainly motivated by mutual enrichment as well as affording one the identity of finding one's own space.
As opposed to the constriction and predictability of the Red Ocean along with it's daily cut-throat grind... a Blue Ocean ideology allows asperations to flow freely. The greater goal is envisioned by implenting something new, innovative, and adventurous. A Blue Ocean entreperneurial spirit sails over deep and wide uncharted spaces.
- Instead of calculated thinking... there's room for imagination.
- Instead of competition, there's specialization.
- Instead of closed market strategies, there's boundless market oppurtunities.
- Instead of getting and keeping customers, there's illuminating and empowering customers.
- Instead of closing the deal, there's promoting appeal.
We're going to a new world of possibilities!
Christopher GerardCEO- Goworld Corp.
© 2020 GoWorld! Corp.